Many different things could go wrong with a vehicle, whether a car, a truck, or an SUV. Most of these won’t surprise you, but a handful of them definitely will. An automobile won’t always be up to the task of competing. The success of various types of cars tends to fluctuate over time, leaving behind all but the models that are consistently the best sellers. The entire industry is inching its way slowly toward an electric future because of the frequent shifts in company goals, politics, and restrictions imposed by the government. These are the reasons why these automobiles will no longer be legal to drive after the year 2023.
As is customary, various vehicle categories and price points are being discontinued. This includes compact cars that aren’t selling well, hybrids that aren’t selling well because of the shift to electric vehicles, commercial vehicles that aren’t selling well because company goals are changing, and outdated supercars that are being phased out of production. Let’s look at the most recent people to be laid to rest in the cemetery, but remember that some of these names may reappear at some point in the near or distant future.