Mahindra & Mahindra says that the number of passenger cars sold in India rose 21% in June compared to the same month the year before. In June 2022, the company sold 26,880 passenger cars. Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) said in a statement that sales of utility vehicles in India increased by 22% last month, going from 26,620 units to 32,585. President of M&M Ltd Automotive Division Veejay Nakra said, “Due to the strong demand for the SUV portfolio, we have continued our growth trend with domestic sales of 32,585 units and 22% growth in June.” He said the number of SUVs was lower than possible because the source stopped sending engine parts. “There were still limits on semiconductor-related parts like airbag ECUs all month,” Nakra said. The company says that sales of three-wheelers, including electric three-wheelers, grew by 59% in June 2022, from 4,008 units to 6,377 units. As part of its plan to grow its business worldwide, the company recently started selling its best SUV, the XUV 700, in Australia. In Australia, the SUV AX7 begins at $36,990, about $30,35,639. The model costs $20,56,300 in India, but due to customs and taxes, it costs $10 lakh more in Australia. India has recently cut the time to get an SUV from 48 to 40 months. The starting price for the Mahindra XUV700 SUV in the country is Rs. 14.01 lakh (ex-showroom). The car has five different versions: the MX, the AX3, the AX5, the AX7, and the AX7L. Everest White, Midnight Black, Dazzling Silver, Red Rage, and Electric Blue are the colours that buyers can choose from. The MX model, which comes with both a manual transmission (MT) and an automatic transmission (AT), might not be ready for 15 to 16 weeks. The wait time for the AX3 model is a little longer, between 12 and 15 weeks for the MT model and 40 to 50 weeks for the AT model.