A security specialist and three German Ph.D. students hacked Tesla’s AMD-based cars, possibly resulting in the first permanent “Tesla Jailbreak.”

The team sent a note to prepare for their Blackhat 2023 address the following week. They’ll demonstrate how to attack Tesla’s latest AMD-based media control unit (MCU). According to specialists, the jailbreak exploits a known hardware flaw in the MCU. This provides hackers access to critical in-vehicle payment systems and may deceive the car into thinking these purchases have been paid for.

The researchers said, “Tesla is known for its high-tech and well-integrated car computers, which can do anything from provide simple entertainment to drive themselves.”Tesla has started using this well-established infrastructure to sell faster acceleration, warmed back seats, and more automobile internet connection options. Hacking the car’s computer may provide these functions for free.

The hack will offer researchers a vehicle-specific encryption key. Tesla service network approval requires this key.

Researchers believe attackers can run any code on Tesla cars with direct access. Even if Tesla publishes software patches, the attack must still be solved on existing cars. The vulnerability targets the MCU’s AMD Secure Processor (ASP) instead of Tesla’s, making it harder to patch.

Experts say this attack uses “low-cost, off-the-shelf hardware” and will be revealed next week. Despite its complexity, Niklas Jacob’s Black Hat 2022 talk may show how the researchers might approach the attack.

ASP starts with most voltage-based fault assaults. Before installing their modified bootloader image, the researchers replaced AMD’s well-known public key with their own. Essential verification typically failed since it wasn’t the boot key. Voltage faulting—applying a specified voltage to an integrated circuit to simulate a fault state—can fool the ASP and its parts into thinking a valid key is being supplied.

Tesla automobiles have software-hidden technologies. Car buyers dislike this trend. The software turns off RWD Model 3 footwell lights. In 2021 all Tesla cars will have heated steering wheels and back seats. Some vehicles have a $2,000 “Acceleration Boost” that decreases 0-60 times.

Remember Tesla’s Full Self-Driving and Enhanced Autopilot software stacks. Experts didn’t list Full Self-Driving as a premium feature. Tesla could keep a distinct code branch for cars with FSD, making it hard to turn on amenities like heated seats or acceleration, or this was removed to make a significant discovery for the presentation.

Tesla is big in software. As a software company that builds automobiles, the manufacturer makes software-focused cars that purchasers want to upgrade. Tesla has worked hard to stop hardware attacks, even though corporations have replied with—you guessed it—more hardware.

These attacks may increase as cars become more brilliant. The auto industry opposes it, yet it may become the way to change cars.


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